Łukasz Murawski

Let’s Talk Brand Ep. 17 | Authentic, Sustainable Brand with ANNELI HANSSON

The following guest of the LET`S TALK BRAND series is Anneli Hansson – a brand strategist, workshop facilitator, and educator.

From the interview, you will learn the following:

  • what is an authentic brand,
  • what is a sustainable brand,
  • what is the future of branding?

Anneli Hansson

She is on a mission to help creatives go from order-takers to change-makers so that they can get paid for their thinking and make a positive impact in the world. She describes herself as a bridge between the creatives and the c-suites. With 20+ years of experience building brands, she has worked with global agencies, enterprises, start-ups, and freelance teams.

She has experience from both running her own branding studio, but also from the client side perspective being a Chief brand officer and Chief Marketing Officer at Lantmännen, a multibillion-dollar company, and Northern Europes cooperation with a focus on agriculture, food, machines, and energy. They were also awarded the #1 Sustainable brand in Sweden and also ranked as Sweden’s most purposeful corporation



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Łukasz Murawski

Łukasz Murawski

doradca, wykładowca, autor, ekspert Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Gdańsku i Gdyni

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Łukasz Murawski

Łukasz Murawski

doradca, wykładowca, autor, ekspert Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Gdańsku i Gdyni

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